
This video has become something really special. First because I love these two human beings! Second, we didn't hike for a few minutes to get to this spot. The view was pretty dope and the vibe surrounding us was unspeakable. I hope I'll be able to show you how it was in this video.
Saremo orizzonti e ci potremo ammirare
We will be horizons and we will be able to admire each other
Ci nasconderemo nel profumo del mare
We will hide in the scent of the sea
Ci ritroveremo nei dettagli più belli
We will find ourselves in the most beautiful details
Ci riscopriremo nelle cose più rare
We will rediscover ourselves in the rarest things
E sarà superfluo non saperlo spiegare
And it will be superfluous not to know how to explain it
Al tramonto, di tutto, potremo capire
At sunset, we will be able to understand everything
Sopravvivere dentro ad un tratto di colore
Survive within a stroke of color
Nei suoni più caldi scomparirà il dolore
In warmer sounds the pain will disappear
Poi forse un giorno ci rincontreremo
Then maybe one day we will meet again
Le cose più rare
Song by Cosmo

I'm here just to remind you to enjoy your life. Go get a hike done. Spend your time doing whatever you love to do. Go get that dream trip done!! Buuuuuuuut please promise to me you'll consider getting a video to help you to remember every second. That is why I'm here! To help your memories be part of your life forever. At least someone does not unplug the internet cable.
Please, share some love! I really like to read your comments. What did you like most on their video? Send it to two different friends.
Let's talk!
If you need that person to create a video about your memory, please let me know. I'd love to be part of it.
P.S.: Thank you so much @mackdabs_ and @terpy_lens702 for giving me opportunities like this to create awesome memories.